Adventures In Truth Blog

Let the adventure begin

Archive for the month “October, 2015”


The Adventures In Truth team have been on the road for the last two weeks including a stop in Branson, Missouri.   Their first stop was Faith and Wisdom Church with Pastor Gary McSpadden and his wife Carol.  It was an incredible crowd and an overwhelming response and a quick scheduling for a return early in 2016.  Prior to the appearance Jim appeared on a variety of radio stations but after the event at Faith & Wisdom the response brought him back to KLFC 88.1 where he spent over an hour on the show.  You can hear it here.  Just click the link and click on the October 29th podcast with Jim Rankin.   The travels continue……    ( )


Back to the Future Again!

Yes…October 21st, 2015 is the day that Doc Brown and Marty headed to in Back to the Future 30 years ago.  We loved watching these films back in that time and so much has taken place in 30 years.  No, I don’t ride a hover board but I just got a new insulated “life preserver” (vest) (lol)!  It’s funny because with all the adventures the Lord has led us on including our travels and work with Adventures In Truth – the most rewarding has been that it was 30 years ago that Sherri & I were married, we have great kids, and we’re serving the Lord full time!   With all that said I wanted to share with you a ‘Back to the Future’ friend as Sherri and I had the opportunity to sit down recently for dinner with our friends Claudia Wells who played Jennifer Parker in the first Back to the Future film and fellow actor Ben Cain!  Happy BTTF Day!CLAUDIA WELLS & BEN CAIN

A Wright Road Trip!

While traveling, SherrWRIGHT 1i and I create mini road trips to keep our long days on the highways more exciting.  This time, along with Tim Moore, we created a Wright Brothers road trip in Dayton, Ohio and found sites that many of the pros in Dayton didn’t know about or suggest.   This was fun, mostly free, and a great time with a wonderful end!

Our travels started at the Carillon Park on Dayton’s south side.   This a beautiful park and museum with many historical sites and homes brought together almost 80 years ago by the Deeds family.  The gem to the park is the Wright Flyer building. Eventually you enter temperature controlled chamber where the only aircraft in the U.S. dubbed a National Landmark is housed in a pit for easy viewing.  It’s the actual plane (the Wright Flier III) that the Wright Brothers built that changed the world.  It’s unbelievable and very solemn to see it.

Then we moved onto Hawthorne Hill, the home of Orville Wright, and then onto the Wright Cycle shop and the museum next door which was their print shop.  Following that we stopped by the Engineering Academy where we saw a beautiful full size statue of the Wrights flying, then onto the “Fly Over” sculpture.  Then to Deeds Point where we hung out with the “Brothers” on the shores of the Great Miami.  We then headed to the Wright Brothers Laboratory, The old original Wright Plane Factory, and then to Woodlawn Cemetery where you see the family plot of the whole Wright family.  By the way; the Wright Brothers father was Bishop Milton Wright a preacher and the boys kept the faith because of their upbringing…pretty awesome.

The we headed up to the Wright Brothers Memorial and Museum way above and overlooking Wright Patterson Air Force Base (by the way…noticed Indian mounds located on the hill as well).   And then the special treat was a journey down to Huffman Prairie where the Wrights flew and perfected the airplane on the Wright Flier III.  It was a wonderful place to end and awe-inspiring view and we were all alone.  It’s the world’s first airport.  Sherri even flew a Wright inspired twist flier at the site.

It was a great adventure for us all!


A Wild West World Encounter 

While SHERRI and I began our travels we knew we would encounter many interesting people and sights along the journey.  There was no exception to that when we visited The Museum of World Treasures in Wichita, Kansas.  There we experienced up close encounters, literally, with Egyptian mummies, dinosaur skeletal remains including Ivan the T-Rex, Civil War and Wild West artifacts, the presidential collection including Lincoln’s hand carved came, of the pitch fork of the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz and much more.  The Wild West got a little wilder in Wichita!


The New Adventures Hat

 While traveling out west for a special series of presentations we visited Hatman Jack who is known worldwide for creating custom hats for a whole list of celebrities and movies. He created a new adventure style for me during the visit….now dubbed the Jungle Jim Adventure design!

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